Glogger Live - is an open project which allowing you to continuously transmit live instant images/videos/audios/text from a camera-enabled cell phone. You can record and comment on live events taken from your own perspective in real-time. Your images and text are transmitted live to create a "comic" strip - tell a story with images and text from anywhere.
What's New in Glogger Lite 2.2?
-Fixed Registration Problems and other UI fixes. -Fixed the Sleep and Wake up problems in some cellphones
-Simplified the upload screen, and now it displayed the number of images captured, uploaded, and failed and stored locally
-Added in File I/O options for storing images locally in case of transmission error
-Added in Capture Parameter options such that user can define the capture resolution
What`s New?
- Fixed Empty Album problem and other minor bugs. - Added GPS support for GPS-enabled phones - Now the images will get GeoTag automatically on Glogger.
- Added Video/Audio Playback capability - (Adding instant playback of streaming content next)
- Added Friends functions. Now you can add your friends to the list on the phone.
- Fixed Preference bugs and added a few extra options.
- Improved usability and stability of the application in general.
Previous Updates: - New UI for the main page with description of each function. - Server upgraded and Glogger6.4 has fixed all of the ip address resolve issues.
- Posted the new Anti-blur version for N95. GloggerVS2_acc2.sisx
- New Symbian Version for S60 3rd which support autofocus. Please report any bugs to raymondlo84 (at) gmail (dot) com.
- My Album: Browse Images and Post Comments
- My Inbox: Receive instant Messages From Glogger
- My Live Events: Browse Live Events
- My Friends: Add your Contact List
- My Recorder: Added Video Recording Feature(JP-7 phones only) What`s Fixed?
- My album now has overlay menu with next page and previous page
- My Inbox now locks the "TO" field on reply and locks the send button to prevent sending messages multiple times.
- Fixed the Media Capture for Motorola Ming - Nov 1. - Fixed bugs in Album, friends list, and inbox - Nov 1 - Add supports for uploading video directly to glogger through the Media Recorder.
Application Details:
Version: 7.1
Upload Date: 24 May 11
Distribution Type: Freeware
Downloads: 642
Size: 41 Kb
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