KJV Old Testament Mobile Bible by CellBook - The Authorized King James Version is an English translation of the Christian Bible begun in 1604 and first published in 1611 by the Church of England. The Great Bible was the first "authorized version" issued by the Church of England in the reign of King Henry VIII.In January 1604, King James I of England convened the Hampton Court Conference where a new English version was conceived in response to the perceived problems of the earlier translations as detected by the Puritans. This release includes additional features such as bookmarks, a search capability, jump to book or chapter, the changing of font and a smooth scrolling function. If you'd like to support our efforts, and the publication of other versions, please make a donation. If you'd like to support our efforts, and the publication of other versions, please make a donation.
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Version: 2.00
Upload Date: 19 Apr 11
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Price: 0.00 $
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