pitchin - free metronome and tone generator program for mobile phones that support java applications Features: generate tones from A0 to C8 display and generate 14 types of chords based on the selected main note play a selected tempo, either by specifying the name or the bpm, range 20-440 automatically detect the bpm by pressing the AutoBPM(left selection key) 8 times fine grained volume control pretty nice graphics (aka not ugly) Controls: up, down - select different menu items left, right - modify values right selection key - back, exit left selection key - plays chord (TGS), activate autobpm feature (MS) center selection key - play note (TGS), start/stop metronome (MS) keys 1-8 (TGS) - play the scale based on the note selected *,# - control the volume. if they are held down the volume is in/decremented by smaller amounts, else (they are simply pressed) it is changed by 25% TGS - tone generation screen MS - metronome screen Notes: The note graphic was stolen from my brother's audiovisual association called ToneTroopers. All the other graphics are hand woven, washed and digitalized. The application was written especially for the Nokia 5130 Xpress music phone (a B-day present for my brother :D), but it should run without any problems on any phone supporting MIDP2.0. Recommended screen resolution is (at least): 240 x 320px (I didn't test it on larger screens, it is fully operational on smaller screens too, only the elements don't fit in the screen) Make sure you enable the application tones from the phone's settings menu (Nokia phones have this, and if it is disabled the application is rendered useless :) ) Feel free to recommend/request new features, report bugs, or share opinions.
Application Details:
Version: 1.0
Upload Date: 4 May 11
Distribution Type: Freeware
Downloads: 167
Size: 97 Kb
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