V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH - V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH automatically manages your calorie intake with precision using your mobile phone. Get V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH for free on your mobile. V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH is easy to use and comes with a database of the most usual German foods. V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH will warn you if you have broken you daily calories limit. V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH also tells you how many calories you burn everyday through activities such as walking or jogging. V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH - Case Study Anna is 4 kg over weight and is determined to lose it. She downloads V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH for free to her mobile and the product tells her what her calorie intake per day should be 1900 in order to lose 4 kg. She enters this daily calorie limit into V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH. After a few days of using V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH, she finds that her normal diet is 2100 calories per day. She manages to cut her calorie intake down to 1900 per day by replacing Cafe Lattes with Americanos and by walking for 30 minutes everyday. Anna has lost the 4 kg over 8 weeks and is now using V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH to discretely maintain her weight. Visit our site at www.vclinic.net to download V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH, sign up for a free online account / username or find answers to any of your questions. If you want to download V-Clinic Kalorien DEUTSCH through your phone browser
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Version: 2.0.1
Upload Date: 14 Jun 11
Distribution Type: Freeware
Downloads: 32
Size: 69 Kb
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